Office Policies
Please click on a link below for more information about our office policies.
- Modern Dentistry
- Diagnosis Is Your Best Investment
- Goals of Independent Dental Health
- No Smoking Please
- Telephone Calls
- Computers
- Payments
- Dental Insurance
- Direct Reimbursement
- It Is Our Responsibility
- It Is Your Responsibility
- Emergency Care
- Appointments
- Recall Visits
Modern Dentistry
In this age, science has developed new techniques in all fields. Dental Science has changed. Teeth are no longer regarded as replaceable parts of the body. Your teeth were designed to last a lifetime!
Diagnosis Is Your Best Investment
Before dental disease can be treated, we must know exactly what conditions are present in your mouth. Except for emergencies, adult patients new to our practice are scheduled for a complete oral examination, x-rays, and other diagnostic procedures required to render a thorough diagnosis. A prophylaxis (teeth cleaning) is usually necessary before other work can be started. The requirements for children vary according to their age and oral health. A complete medical and dental history is necessary for all patients prior to treatment. Based on the findings of the diagnostic procedures and your expressed desires, we will discuss the treatment alternatives available to meet your individual needs.
Goals of Independent Dental Health
- Stop the progress of disease in the dental/oral structures.
- Restore missing, decayed, and/or infected teeth to health and function.
- Correct unsightly teeth for a more beautiful smile.
- Establish good occlusion to enjoy a comfortable, healthy, functioning mouth.
Our goal is to keep your mouth healthy by eliminating disease and showing you how to prevent recurrence of disease, so that you may enjoy good health and a beautiful smile for a lifetime.
No Smoking Please
Exposure to tobacco is hazardous to your health and we ask that you refrain from smoking while in our office.
Telephone Calls
All patients are encouraged to call with any questions concerning dental care. It would be most unfair to our patients, however, if the doctor were to leave to answer every telephone call. Our office staff is well qualified to answer most questions. If the call requires the doctor to speak with you, he will return your call at the earliest opportunity.
While our computers use the most modern technology and software, occasional errors may occur. If you have a question or suggestion regarding any communication or financial statement, please let us know. We are constantly improving this feature of our office.
We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and bank debit cards. If your treatment program requires several visits, you will be given an estimate and asked to discuss definite financial arrangements with Mary Lou, our office manager.
We make every effort to hold down your cost for quality dental care. Dr. Stoner offers a 5% discount for payment in full by cash or check at the time treatment is started.
Interest free financing is available for qualified individuals through the Medical Bureau of Pittsburgh or CareCredit.
Dental Insurance
We will help you receive the maximum insurance benefits to which you are entitled. We know questions can arise on insurance matters and encourage you to discuss such questions with our office manager and doctors. We follow a program which simplifies preparation of insurance claim forms and thereby holds down costs unrelated to delivery of quality dental care. Claims will be sent electronically if your insurance company is equipped to receive them. If not, we will mail a paper copy of your claim to your insurance company to process your claim. Please remember that insurance is considered a method of reimbursing you for fees you have paid to the doctor. Insurance is not a substitute for payment.
Predeterminations are recommended for every treatment.While not a guarantee, predeterminations usually tell you exactly what the insurance company will pay. Most of our patients pay us in full the day that treatment is rendered. They are then reimbursed by their insurance carrier. If you prefer, your predetermined benefits may be assigned to be paid directly to our office. At each visit, you would then only have to pay us the portion of the fees not covered by insurance. Please remember the financial responsibility is still yours, even if the insurance carrier does not pay the benefits they predetermined.
United Concordia (UCCI) is the only insurance company that does not give our patients the choice to assign benefit payments to our office. Patients with United Concordia (UCCI) insurance must pay Dr. Stoner at the time of each visit and receive reimbursement directly from United Concordia (UCCI) for covered services.
Contrary to what you may hear, no insurance company attempts to cover all dental care costs. Some companies pay fixed allowances for specified procedures. Others pay a percentage of their fees for specified procedures. Insurance plans rarely cover all procedures and rarely pay the entire fee for a covered procedure. It is your legal responsibility to pay any deductible, co-insurance, or other balance not paid by your insurance company. Benefits, deductibles, and co-insurance are determined by a contract between you and your insurance company, usually selected by your employer.
Direct Reimbursement
If your employers are considering offering dental insurance, or are changing your dental coverage, ask them to consider Direct Reimbursement (DR). Endorsed by the American Dental Association, DR allows patients to choose any dentist and be reimbursed based on that dentist's fee schedule rather than the insurance company's fee schedule. Since no premiums are paid for employees who do not seek dental treatment, more dollars are available for employees who do value good dental health! The American Dental Association has information designed for your employer. Ask us for details.
It Is Our Responsibility
- To render a complete and thorough examination and diagnosis.
- To explain our findings so that you are fully aware of the health of your mouth and the consequences of any untreated conditions.
- To have a mutual understanding of fees for services before starting treatment.
- To make every effort to start your treatment on the appointment time scheduled.
- To complete the necessary treatment in as few office visits as possible, with the least amount of discomfort to you.
- To deliver services of highest professional quality.
It Is Your Responsibility
- To bring any dental discomfort to our attention immediately.
- To keep appointments reserved exclusively for you.
- To complete treatment recommendations.
- To follow home care instructions.
- To return for periodic re-examination visits at the time you are advised.
Emergency Care
We recognize that you can have an emergency situation arise, and we will do our best to respond to your problem promptly. If you do have such a problem, please call us as early in the day as possible. If the problem arises when the office is closed, and you feel it requires immediate attention, you may call Dr. Stoner. Dr. Dan Stoner's cell phone number is (412) 913-2600, and Dr. Don Stoner's home telephone number is (412) 828-2624.
We see all patients on an appointment basis and request that you call in advance so that we can reserve time for you. The office telephone number is (412) 828-7750. We make every effort to honor all time commitments and request that you extend the same courtesy to us.
Recall Visits
We hope you share our belief that regular preventive dental care is a sound investment. Most patients schedule their recall visit on their last day of treatment. The responsibility for returning for preventive care rests primarily with you. If you have not scheduled a recall appointment, we provide the service of sending a written reminder when it is time to return. When you receive the notice, telephone immediately for an appointment. Please advise the receptionist of any changes that affect your health or insurance coverage.